Thursday, December 31, 2009

Here it is...the last day of 2009!

The start of a new year always excites me - a fresh start, a new beginning. Looking back, 2009 has been a year in which I had the privilege of time and the opportunity to do the things I wanted to do - for myself, as well as a family. Journeyed twice to India to spend time with family there, got to spend more time with my little one, learned to travel as a threesome family - exciting trips to Paris and Alaska, did few things I had been wanting to do - started writing a blog and started learning Bharatanatyam after pondering over the thought for many days, initiated a new tradition of getting away with my cousin for couple of days - just us ladies.

As we venture on another trip around the Sun, I wish everyone a very happy ride!


  1. Bharatanatyam! that is great! I cannot wait to get back to dance. I am just waiting till R gets ready to take care of the lil one for 2-3 while I sweat it out in class. Glad 2009 was great and here is wishing you and yours a wonderful 2010! And hope 2010 brings you to the lone star state

  2. Thanks for the wishes V! We really hope to make a trip there sometime this year. Yes, it does take time to get back to things...take your time. I am sure dad and the lil one will figure to hang out on their own soon. As for me and Bharatnatyam I am still a novice who has no clue what I am doing but thoroughly enjoying it though.
